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My mission is to help golfers make the most out of the game of golf and have more fun in the process! I utilize simple and effective techniques that "go against the grain" so to speak BUT the TRUTH has to get out. Tired of suffering and "wandering in the [golf swing] desert for 40 years"? Come to the "land of milk and honey" through this channel and my online golf school. Access Tom's ULTIMATE Golf Swing Training Program and Instructional Library - https://saguto.golf/

This is the “MOST IMPORTANT PART” of the golf swing according to Ben Hogan. This golf tip ELIMINATES SLICES and gets your golf swing on a powerful path to the golf ball at impact. It’s no wonder why Ben calls this the MOST IMPORTANT PART of the golf swing. This Ben Hogan golf swing tip focuses on the lower body’s role in the downswing and the way the shoulders should behave in the process. You will learn exactly how to do this move in your golf swing by watching this video.

Access Tom’s ULTIMATE Golf Swing Training Program and Instructional Library – https://saguto.golf/p/golf-swing-simplified-tom-saguto-pga

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