You will not be rushed at Recharge Massage Therapy, Raleigh NC. A one hour session is a FULL one hour on the table. NO time is deducted for review of client needs, undressing, redressing and checking out. A full half hour (minimum) is allowed between appointments. Each client is given time to present their needs before the massage therapy session and time to reflect a bit before redressing. EVERY client is given unhurried, individualized treatment and attention. Recharge Massage Raleigh also specializes in onsite corporate/event chair massage, with extensive experience throughout Wake County and beyond.Established in 2004.Recharge Massage Therapy is a private practice conveniently located in the Commons Business Park, near the intersection of Glenwood Avenue & Duraleigh Road (N.Raleigh.) Linda VanGorder, owner and licensed, board certified massage therapist, is committed to helping clients reduce chronic stress, tension, pain and fatigue brought about by the fast pace of modern life and other influences. Recharge Massage Raleigh offers expert in-office sessions, in a top quality setting. This practice also has extensive experience in providing on-site event/corporate chair massage, effective in reducing stress and physical tension within 10-15 minutes. In business for 12 years, Recharge Massage Raleign tailors each session to the client’s specific needs. Strong technical skills are combined with a genuine concern for each individual to positively impact their overall health and wellbeing. You will NOT be rushed! A one hour session is a FULL hour on the table. Flexible Hours – By Appointment OnlyLinda VanGorder is a licensed and board certified massage & bodywork therapist who has been practicing in the North Raleigh area for 12 years. Linda is a graduate of the Body Therapy Institute, Siler City, NC, also holding a B.S. degree in Education and a post graduate degree in Computer Science. With twenty years of experience in developing and supporting health care information systems, Linda is now dedicated to helping others reduce chronic tension, stress and fatigue. With skilled attention to detail, all sessions are tailored to meet the client’s needs.