For over 17 years I have specialized in massage therapy. I will recommend specific techniques depending on your needs, and of course you are welcome to request a particular technique. I am trained in Therapeutic, Lymphatic, Russian Medical the V-Method, Sports, Deep Tissue, Bindegewebsmassage, Reflexology, Trager® approach, and Mentastics®. I also offer Hypnotherapy and Reiki, a Tibetan healing art wherein life energy is channeled to your body with very subtle hand pressure from the therapist, to strengthen your energy system and promote natural healing. I consider our session a partnership in your well-being. We work as a team to get the greatest benifit from our session together. We will take a few minutes to discuss your objectives for the session and any specific body issues that you would like to have addressed,and I wiil focus all my skills on obtaining maximum therapeutic effect!Established in 1997.Since 1997 I have been offering sessions customize to the individual client . I believe that each individual deserves to be heard, we work as a team to release stress, you are there for my help!My certifications also include Biomagnetics, Aromatherapy and Reflexology. I am certified in Russin Medical Massge, the V-Method. I also am certified in Bindegewebsmassage. I am a Nationally Certified Trager® Practitioner and I am a Mentastic® Instructor certified by the United States Trager® Association. I am a Third Degree Master in the USUI Reiki System of Natural Healing. There are other energy techniques available through me with your request. I also have a cerification in Hypnotherapy. I am a ordained Minister of the Sanctuary of the Beloved of the State of New York.