Triangle Disc Care

At Triangle Disc Care, our spine specialist is dedicated to helping people in Raleigh, NC find back pain relief and treatment through nonsurgical methods. We use spinal decompression therapy to treat and reduce back and neck pain caused by a variety of conditions, including pinched nerves, herniated discs, sciatica and more. At our North Carolina back institute, our back doctor prides himself on taking the time to thoroughly explain conservative treatment options for patients suffering from bulging or herniated discs, degenerative disc disease, posterior facet syndrome, sciatica, failed back surgery syndrome, spine injuries and non-specified mechanical lower back or neck pain.Established in 1982.The back is a complicated structure of vertebrae separated by discs, held together by ligaments and muscles. It must be flexible enough to provide a wide range of movements and yet strong enough to protect the spinal cord and the delicate nerve fibers which exit between each vertebrae. The proximity of the spinal cord and spinal nerve roots to the muscles and joints of the back is what makes a “bad back” so painful and so debilitating. The spine functions as a whole, so if we have mechanical disturbances in one part of the spine, even as far away from the low back as the neck, it can influence conditions in another area of the spine. Imbalances in the pelvis, problems in the sacroiliac joints, facet fixations, as well as joint restrictions in the mid-back and the neck, can contribute to the process of disc degeneration, weakening the joint and making it susceptible to injury.