Backbone Adventures

Unguided Razor, UTV, dirt bike, ATV, snowmobile, and Jeep rentals delivered right to the trail, so you can adventure through the Estes Park, Colorado Rocky Mountains at your own pace. Affordable ATV and Jeep rental prices with honest service from a family run business in Estes Park Colorado. Jeep rentals and ATV rentals are available for both locals and tourists on vacation in and around Estes Park, Boulder, Denver, Fort Collins, Loveland, and Colorado Springs Colorado.Established in 2009.Growing up here in Estes, I was a wrangler for a guest ranch. I took people on horseback rides. It was the best job I ever had, and after years of fumbling around, trying to find my calling, I thought back to those days and decided to take a chance. It panned out and here I am, loving what I do and the people I meet each day.I was raised on Storm Mountain, just outside Estes, at around 9000 feet. I grew up very poor, but from a loving family I can’t thank enough for my incredible youth. I still live here today with my beautiful wife and daughter.