We are a small hobby farm located in Loveland, Colorado that is dedicated to raising and breeding rare, unique and endangered livestock species. At Barnyard Buddies we currently breed and sell Miniature Tennessee Fainting Goats, Mini White Dexter Cattle, Texas Longhorns. We’re also proud to offer Bourbon Red Turkeys and Magpie Ducks.Established in 2006.Barnyard Buddies was originally started to conserve the fainting goat breed. They were originally on the Breeders Conservation watch list when I started Barnyard Buddies and now fainting goats are on the list for recovery.I, Janet Farkas, of Loveland Colorado am the owner of Barnyard Buddies. I specialize in breeding rare and endangered livestock. I breed minature Myotonic Tennessee Fainting Goats, Mini White Dexter Cattle, Texas Longhorns, Magpie Ducks and Bourbon Red Turkeys. I also have horses, a cat and a dog. I do not sell into the meat market, I sell for pets only. My goal is to be able to give others the opportunity to learn about the animals and teach them how to have the animals be a part of their lives. Never hesitate to contact me and I will help you in anyway that I can.