The original nine holes, created by Tom Bendelow were redesigned by Emil Loeffler and John McGlynn in the early 1920’s. Then, Leonard Macomber designed the back nine and redesigned the existing holes in 1928. Since that time improvements have been made by Ed Ault in 1963, Ferdinand Garbin in 1986 and most recently by golf course architect, Ron Forse. With a committed staff that maintains the highest standards, the end result is a well manicured and beautiful course at all times. The eighteen-hole course plays 6,708 yards and is unlike most in the area as it is easy to walk, with very few hills. At a par 70, it is an enjoyable course and offers an interesting and unique experience each round, making it a delight to contemplate. The course has a USGA rating of 73.1 with a slope rating of 132 on Bent Grass.
The Club’s PGA Professional and staff are available for lessons and help on the course and driving range. The Pro Shop offers a wide selection of golf equipment and apparel to fit your needs on and off the course.