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Wilmington Municipal Golf Course
Wilmington, North Carolina

 One of the best City / Municipal golf courses in the US. Great green complexes.

Caroline Golf Club
Madison, Mississippi

Good course but it stays busy 24/7.

Mapleview Golf And Country Club
Perth, Ontario

 It was great! Good playing conditions and a nice course

Tascosa Golf Club
Amarillo, Texas

 Wide open course. Very tough to play if the wind is up (in Amarillo that’s almost always) feels long but you can play the whole course with a driver, a 5iron, and putter if you’d like.

Eli Haskell
Englewood, Colorado

In just a couple of lessons Eli has improved my swing drastically which has helped lower my overall scores. He is also really good at communicating and uses visuals to help further understanding.

Eli Haskell
Raleigh, North Carolina

I had a fantastic experience with Amistad and Associates! Their team was incredibly knowledgeable and attentive and helped me navigate complex legal issues in learning with ease. Highly recommend their services!